Brad Bartlett
Brad Bartlett
National Museum of Women of Arts(MoWA) is the first museum in the world solely dedicated to championing women through the arts.
Female artists are underrated and underrepresented, the rebranding of MoWA wants to add the contemporary touch and feel to the museum.
>Check out the process here
Female artists are underrated and underrepresented, the rebranding of MoWA wants to add the contemporary touch and feel to the museum.
>Check out the process here
︎ Processing Sketch
The Custom type for MoWA were using Processing to sketch the type. It could be streched tall or wide, controlled by mouse position of the sketching.
This strechable typeface are widely used on different medias, to represent the idea of “Women can be whatever they want to be.”
The Custom type for MoWA were using Processing to sketch the type. It could be streched tall or wide, controlled by mouse position of the sketching.
This strechable typeface are widely used on different medias, to represent the idea of “Women can be whatever they want to be.”
︎ Digital

︎ Prints
Posters set up the graphic elements to the project.
Posters set up the graphic elements to the project.

︎ Spatial