Yuchen Xie
Graphic Designer


>>Print, Spatial


Annie Huang Luck

The idea behind Glamping Hub was to create a product that provides people with accommodations that felt “out of reach”, and for those looking to create a once in a lifetime experience – all in one place.

This rebrand of Glamping Hub considers its impartance as a new style of camping, and fulfilled people’s desire to spend time with each other. Centering on the balance between comfort, good amenities, and nature. 

>Check out the process here

︎   Digital

The glamping hub doesn’t have a mobile app, and this is the main focus for the media part of this rebranding. 

︎   Prints

The prints design is the brand touch point of Glamping Hub. The brand lookbook works as quarterly magazine provide the reading when people in nature without internet, enjoy the reading and nature.
︎   Spatial

︎   Colleterals

︎   Concept Video

©2022 Yuchen Xie